Peacemaking in the Classroom
What a thrill to see that vision starting to become a reality! From Florida to Washington, from Germany to Japan, from language arts to political science, educators are using the book and young lives are being changed by it. We love hearing teachers’ stories about how the book is affecting their students.
One of the most moving stories comes from a middle school in the American Southwest. On the day the students received their books and we visited the classes, one young man was called to the principal’s office. Later, the teacher told us that the boy had gotten into serious trouble and was being expelled. When he came back to gather his things, the teacher saw him take a copy of Great Peacemakers and slip it into his backpack.
The teacher asked the boy what he was doing. On the verge of tears, the boy admitted that he was looking forward to reading the book in class, but since he wouldn’t get to, he thought maybe he could read it at home and get something out of it. The teacher reminded him it is not right to steal and said he could have the book.
A student stealing a textbook…how often does that happen? We truly hope the book has made at least one small, positive difference in this young man’s life. Needless to say, stories like this make all of our hard work worth every second, and make our hearts sing!
How about you? What makes your sing? Please leave us a comment.
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